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08 Feb
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Problems encountered by visitors to Vietnam

Warning: So far there have been many tourists being cheated so that this is very good information for travelers to avoid the troubles when you are traveling in Hanoi or in Vietnam. This information is written by my experiences and some travelers who had been cheated. You should take a look and print it out to bring with you while traveling in Vietnam! The people are well aware of who’s a tourist and who’s not. They see us coming from miles away, and can be very persistent with offering motto-taxis, Cyclops, regular taxis, waving for you to come into their restaurant, offering to sell you maps, books, wanting to clean your shoes, and the list goes on.

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The streets can be a little tricky to become familiar with, and even if you can follow a map, you might not know the must see attractions, top restaurants, how to find food street, what food street even is, where to go for the best bargain clothes, where to find the best Vietnamese food stalls, how to ask for food once you’ve found one, etc.

Bargaining can be quite difficult for some, and for others loads of fun; we want to make it enjoyable for you by providing average costs for numerous items. We help get you familiar with some common Vietnamese phrases, which are sure to amuse the Vietnamese people, but more importantly have you become more involved in this City you are a visiting.

You will get so much more out of your Hanoi stay with these little treasure tips!

@ Problem 1

There is not enough information available to first time travelers to Ha Noi either on Vietnam Airlines or at Noibai airport. Thus, travelers are not aware of their options for getting to Hanoi from the airport, what such a trip should cost, and who are reliable drivers.
> Solution 1
Brochures with this information in many languages can be printed and put in seat pockets of all Vietnam Airlines planes; these brochures should also be made readily available at the airport.

@ Problem 2

Frequently visitors have trouble finding legitimate transportation from Noibai International Airport to their hotel in Ha Noi. Sometimes they are driven by minibus drivers who promise to take them to a specific address in Ha Noi. However, instead of being delivered to the requested hotel they are delivered to a different hotel where the bus driver has friends. They are frequently then overcharged at this hotel.
> Solution 2
Travelers to Vietnam should be warned in advance or at the airport not to depend on either the airport driver or hotel staff that he recommends. In addition it should be a requirement that the street signs be pointed out to the traveler by the bus driver so that the traveler knows whether s/he is being delivered to the correct hotel.

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@ Problem 3

Another problem arising for travelers from NorBai is that the price quoted for transportation from the airport normally includes the road tax. However, upon arrival, travelers are charged for the road tax again.
> Solution 3
Travelers should be made aware by information available at the airport of standard prices for transportation and the fact that these prices already include the road tax.

@ Problem 4

Travelers are frequently led to foreign currency exchange venues by airport bus drivers. At these exchanges they are given a poor exchange rate, e.g., 15,000 VD for $1 USD rather than the standard rate athttp://www.vietcombank.com.vn/en/Exchange%20Rate.asp. In addition the driver receives a commission from the foreign exchange seller.
> Solution 4
Travelers should be encouraged to exchange money at the airport or at foreign exchange sellers recommended by legitimate hotel owners.

@ Problem 5

Be aware of the denomination of Vietnam Dongs which consist of too many zero (0). Some unscrupulous drivers try to rip you off by adding one more zero to your fare OR cheating that your VND500,000 note is only VND50,000. i.e overcharges you 10 times higher than actual cost.
> Solution 5
Distinguish Vietnam Dong notes and the exchange rates. Be alerted and stand firmed if the driver asks for more notes. Call local reliable sources (hotel staff, policemen, local people) for assistance if you feel insured of the situation.

@ Problem 6

The first person a visitor meets is frequently the boy selling postcards. These sellers frequently cheat the visitor either by overcharging for the cards or by asking for VD 5,000 but extracting VD 50,000 from the confused traveler.
> Solution 6
Travelers should be encouraged to purchase cards, maps and other such items from bookshops rather than street vendors.

Read more: Currency and payments in Vietnam

@ Problem 7

Even enterprising visitors who find a hotel on their own frequently find that a person claiming a commission has followed them to the hotel.
> Solution 7
The receptionist should ask travelers whether such a person helped them to obtain lodgings or not.

@ Problem 8

Travelers are frequently sold tickets by travel agencies for tours of local sites. They are frequently promised small group tours and good train seats. After paying, they find that either the tour does not exist at all or that there are very many people on the tour, that the quality is very bad and that they have paid for good train seats but received inferior ones.
> Solution 8
Once they are in a legitimate hotel, travelers should be able to rely on hotel staff to advise them on tour agencies that are reliable and honest. In addition, it may be better to charge for the tour after it has been taken in order to guarantee that the visitor is satisfied with its value.

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@ Problem 9

Tourists are prey to pickpockets when they travel to the market.
> Solution 9
Tourists should be advised to leave their valuables and extra money in the hotel safe.

@ Problem 10

There are imitated VND notes printed for ritual purposes, but some taxi drivers will cheat you by giving these notes back as small changes.
> Solution 10
Tourists should be advised to check the notes carefully. The right notes should always have the imprinted words `Ngan hang nha nuoc Viet nam` (means `The State bank of Vietnam`) & the picture of the later president Ho Chi Minh. See the fake notes below for your information:

Lợi ích và giá trị mà OTA Việt Nam cung cấp cho khách hàng

Khóa học Sale OTA tại miền Bắc: Khóa học Sale OTA tại Hà Nội | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Hải Phòng | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Lào Cai | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Hòa Bình | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Điện Biên | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Sơn La | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Hà Giang | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Yên Bái | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Quảng Ninh/ Hạ Long | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Ninh Bình | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Nam Định

Khóa học Sale OTA tại miền Trung: Khóa học Sale OTA tại Thanh Hóa | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Nghệ An | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Hà Tĩnh | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Quảng Bình | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Đà Nẵng | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Quảng Nam/ Hội An | Khóa học Sale OTA tạ Huế | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Đăk Lắc/ Buôn Ma Thuật | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Đăk Nông | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Lâm Đồng/ Đà Lạt | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Khánh Hòa/ Nha Trang

Khóa học Sale OTA tại miền Nam:Khóa học Sale OTA tại TP Hồ Chí Minh | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Cần Thơ | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Bà Rịa Vũng Tàu | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Bình Thuận | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Đồng Tháp | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Tiền Giang | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Bến Tre | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Kiên Giang/ Phú Quốc | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Cà Mau | Khóa học Sale OTA tại An Giang | Khóa học Sale OTA tại Bạc Liêu



OTA Việt Nam (OTAVN/ OTAVietnam) là một trong các đơn vị tiên phong tại Việt Nam đi đầu về đào tạo vận hành Sale OTA/ Digital Marketing cho các cơ sở lưu trú, dịch vụ du lịch như khách sạn, công ty lữ hành, vé thăm quan, hay các dịch vụ du lịch khác. Tiền thân là công ty TNHH MTV Du lịch S Việt Nam, hiện nay thương hiệu OTAVN được quản trị bởi Công ty TNHH SCO Việt Nam mà chúng tôi xây dựng luôn đứng vững và hàng đầu trong tâm trí khách hàng khi tìm kiếm và hỗ trợ về OTA/ Sale OTA/ Digital/ Online Marketing.

Với mục tiêu hỗ trợ trợ hộ kinh doanh nhỏ, mô hình kinh doanh nhỏ hoạt động hiệu quả hơn với phương trâm vận hành đơn giản, tiết kiệm chi phí nhất mà vẫn đạt hiệu quả nhất, các cơ sở lưu trú sẽ tối ưu chi phí, doanh thu tùy theo từng mô hình kinh doanh.


ĐKKD/MST: 0106901406 cấp lần đầu 15/07/2015
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Giới thiệu về Founder: Trần Xuân Lộc
✅ Quý khách cần liên hệ hợp tác, quản trị vận hành cho cơ sở lưu trú hoặc tư vấn thêm thông tin hãy liên hệ để được tư vấn chi tiết!
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